Hello Everyone:
This will be
my last newsletter, I hope you find all the information of good use.
This is also
a goodbye to you as President, my term is over and I will be moving to a new position as a Board Member. My husband Mike is
also going out of office as Treasurer, he is also taking a Board Member position, so we will still be around.
I hope you will
be as supportive to our new
President, Serena
Cordova-Coppola and all the new Officers taking positions:
Vice President:
Teresa Savage
Treasurer: Ildiko
Secretary: Giovanna
We are trying
to save more money by using the internet and sending your newsletters electronically please let us know if you can assist
us in this matter by sending out your email address to us at
We want to thank
our Special Guest Speakers for November, Judy Shorten with Taxes and Books and ARC Instructors Dixie Thomas and Craig Lehman,
we had a great time and wonderful information.
Our Holiday Dinner
for this year was scheduled for Monday December 7, 2009 at Rudy’s Hideaway and
was a great success, we had wonderful raffles and everyone in attendance won! Thank you to Child Action attendees,
Mary & Anthony. Thanks to Taxes-n-Books, Judy, Mike & Marcia, and Big thanks to all our wonderful Providers.
Teresa Savage
handed out plaques to Mike Fournier for his service as Treasurer and Sue Sparks– Fournier for her service as President.
Teresa gave great speeches for Mike and Sue, we were honored! Certificates of service were handed out to Ildiko for Secretary,
Cynthia Hayes for Hospitality. Service as Providers were handed out to all Providers in attendance. We are looking for new
volunteers to Chair Committee’s in 2010.
Thank you for
those of you who stepped up to be Officers to keep Marta’s dream alive and our Association over 30 years ago.
I want to thank
everyone for all their support and help over the last 3 years and for all your service to our Association. I will treasure
all of you and your friendship and help.
If you need any
help at any time please feel free to call me. Please keep renewing and volunteering for any thing you can to help our Association
grow. We need many volunteers and you can obtain Professional Growth hours for any of these.
We need to always make sure Families and the Community know how Professional we are as Family Child Care
Providers are and that we can make a difference in all children’s lives. I urge you to make a difference.
Sue Sparks-Fournier
NEW P.O. BOX 277494
Sacramento, CA. 95827
Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important ! Anonymous
Submitted by: Sue Sparks-Fournier