Other classes or workshops for professional growth or ECE units:
For further information on professional growth hours you can contact
Tracey Slater
Sacramento CARES Coordinator
9961 Horn Rd.
Sacramento, CA 95827
Course: ECE 455: Environment Rating Scales in Early Childhood Programs Meetings: Wednesday 6:30 pm-
9:35 pm American River College Room HeEd Portable 700 (LEC - 30534) Term:
Spring 2009 | | Jan 21, 2009 - Feb 25, 2009 1 unit Required for all Track 5B applicants in the
2009 CARES year.
Spring 2009 New Course!!
American River College
Early Childhood Education
ECE 326 Making Learning Visible
Through Observation and Documentation
3 Units Code 31973
Consider this course if you are a working professional in
an infant/toddler, preschool or before- and after- school
Why would I take this course?
Do you need help with preparing for parent conferences?
Do you need ideas for making DRDP-R observations more manageable?
Do you want to use digital photography to your advantage in observing
and recording children’s behavior, work, skills and interests?
Do you need strategies to use observation for curriculum planning and
Do you have an interest in teacher as researcher but you don’t know
how to get started?
Mondays 7:00PM-10:05PM ARC MAIN HeEd 701
for more information contact Dr. Anne Kress
Advisory: ENGWR 102 or 103, and ENGRD 116 with a grade of "C" or better; OR ESLR 320 and
ESLW 320 with a grade of "C" or better; OR placement through assessment process.
American River College
Speech and Language Pathology Assistant
Spring 2009
Announcing a new course:
SLPA 102 Introduction to Communication Disorders 3 Units
Course Code: 26473
Prerequisite: None.
Description: This course is an introduction to the field of communication
disorders, including an overview and history of the profession of speechlanguage
pathology. It includes an overview of various speech and
language disorders, as well as guidelines for determining the
development of typical and atypical speech and language. Observations
of multimedia materials showing individuals who demonstrate speech
and language disorders, as well as observations at various clinical sites in
the area, are a part of the course.
Schedule: Thursdays 6:00PM-9:05PM Room HeEd 710
Other courses in this program
CISC 308 Exploring Computer Environments and the Internet 1
ECE 312 Child Development (3) 3
or PSYC 372 Child Development (3)
ECE 325 Guidance and Discipline for Young Children 3
ECE 404 Children with Special Needs 3
GERON 302 Psychology of Aging: Adult Development and Aging 3
PSYC 370 Human Development: A Life Span 3
SILA 305 American Sign Language 1 4
SLPA 102 Introduction to Communication Disorders 3
SLPA 110 Professional Issues and Practices in Speech-Language Pathology 3
SLPA 120 Clinical Considerations in Service Delivery to Clients with
Communication Disorders 3
SLPA 121 Fieldwork Experience in Speech-Language Pathology 4
SPEECH 325 Intercultural Communication 3
SPEECH 331 Group Discussion 3
TA 375 Voice, Diction and Dialects 3
Contact Thuan Bui, counselor at American River College buit@arc.losrios.edu
(916) 484-8157 for more information.
(pending California Chancellor’s Office approval)
Speech and Language Pathology Assistant
Are you interested in working with individuals who experience
communication difficulties? Introduction
to Communication Disorders will be
offered during the fall semester at American River College in Sacramento. This
first course will become part of a new degree program at the college.
What do Speech-Language Pathologists Assistants (SLPAs) Do?
Under the supervision of a licensed and ASHA certified Speech Language
Pathologist, the SLPA works with both adults and children with communication
disorders to help improve their speech and language skills. This might include
conducting speech and language screenings, helping to implement and/or continue
ongoing therapy activities as appropriate to treatment plans developed by the
speech-language pathologist, as well as other duties.
Why are SLPAs Needed?
Communication disorders are the nation’s leading handicapping condition,
affecting about one-tenth of the population. These disorders include childhood
speech and language impairments, voice problems, stuttering, language disabilities
caused by brain injury and communication difficulties resulting from hearing
impairments. Communication disorders isolate people from their friends, family
and the community. Such disorders might also limit job and educational
opportunities. Under the guidance of a speech-language pathologist, SLPAs can
help these people improve their ability to speak, understand and interact with
Where will SLPAs work?
SLPAs are an important part of service delivery to individuals who experience
communication difficulties. SLPAs work for public agencies as well as in private
practice and rehabilitation clinics. Public schools, hospitals and rehabilitation
facilities are major employers of these individuals.
Learn how you can become a part of a dynamic profession by contacting
Thuan Bui, counselor at American River College, buit@arc.losrios.edu,
(916) 484-8157
Spring 2009 New Course!!
American River College
Early Childhood Education
ECE 326 Making Learning Visible
Through Observation and Documentation
3 Units Code 31973
Consider this course if you are a working professional in
an infant/toddler, preschool or before- and after- school
Why would I take this course?
Do you need help with preparing for parent conferences?
Do you need ideas for making DRDP-R observations more manageable?
Do you want to use digital photography to your advantage in observing
and recording children’s behavior, work, skills and interests?
Do you need strategies to use observation for curriculum planning and
Do you have an interest in teacher as researcher but you don’t know
how to get started?
Mondays 7:00PM-10:05PM ARC MAIN HeEd 701
for more information contact Dr. Anne Kress
Advisory: ENGWR 102 or 103, and ENGRD 116 with a grade of "C" or better; OR ESLR 320 and
ESLW 320 with a grade of "C" or better; OR placement through assessment process.